Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Something Has Changed

There is a reason the gray foxes don't wait in the parking lot for their hot dogs like they have for years and now sit up by the mud huts and wait for me to come out before they then run down the hill to feed. There is a reason why instead of getting roving bands of raccoons all night I now only get a few and they are the largest ones. There is a reason after only two nights the family of raccoons that moved into the crawlspace have left. There is a reason the ringtails collect their hot dogs and then run across the roof instead of hanging in the porch rafters as they always have. They are probably all the same reason. What is a raccoon scared of, what makes a fox think something can catch it, what would kill raccoon babies, and what is agile enough to threaten a ringtail in the rafters? I'm hoping over the next few nights Go Pro can help me find answers. But it wasn't tonight.

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