Monday, March 19, 2012

Can't Quite Make Up Her Mind

Mother Nature is five or six days of high 60's and then two days of this. On Sunday night Tom got very little sleep crawling down in Kobae's hole every hour or two making sure he had sufficient heat. Unable to get him to come out of the tunnel Tom had resigned himself to another pretty much sleepless night. Crawling down into the hole late Monday afternoon to make sure the heater Tom had was blowing warm air into Kobae's tunnel Tom finds Kobae right up against the heater. Tom moves the heater six inches and Kobae follows. Tom moves it a foot, Kobae follows. Than two feet, then four, finally Tom moves it outside Kobae's hogan and Kobae follows. Seeing a storm coming Tom picks Kobae up and moves him into the lodge. Checking on the Special One Side-blotched lizard, Tom finds there are two now, both about to freeze with what's coming and brings them both inside. Less that 30 minutes later five minutes of hail brought this.

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