Monday, June 24, 2024

Next Day and Jax and I

Each day I think this is the day I catch up the blog. Then something happens, something else happens, and it's the next day. Pictures are stacking up, stories are stacking up and then I forget a lot of it and try and mix the story I remember with the pictures. I'm really sorry. Each day Jax and I hike but it's hot and we have to find places where there is shade.
Jax is ten years old now and times seven that's 70 years old and some change. I turned 72 last month and so we're about the same age now and it's showing. Strangely I'm getting my balance back and upper body strength which I thought were permanently gone. I don't know why. The doctor has me take so many pills each day I've lost track of what does what. Jax however is deteriorating some. I see him go to jump up on something and he falls back. He looks confused as he use to do that ledge easily. I'd say over all though we're both at about the same level.

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