Monday, October 3, 2022

And now, the rest of the story

Lydia is gone for a few days and so we hired a new lady to work here for a day or so. But got a big rain and she stayed the night. This morning she had a flat, they fixed it, and Linny followed her to town to make sure she made it. Kane Creek had a lot of water in it but they got across ok. Linny had a feeling so sent her on and headed back. I had called her and left a message saying over by Deadhorse Point the sky was dark black and something wicked was coming our way. Come home. It did. Hail, hard rain and lots of it. Teresa was next door I called her on the walkie and said I don't care what you're doing come home now before you can't. Linny called to say she was coming over Hurrah and was booking to get down to the driveway before it flooded and somebody was following her.
She called on the walkie to say she was almost to the sign but it was blinding rain and couldn't see much. Guests were starting to gather around and listen to her walkie calls. Then there was a scream "I crashed the truck I'm running to the people that were following me." A few moments later she said "I have a ride to the lodge." Then she called back and said the water was too deep for them and they wouldn't do it. She told them to let her drive she could make it and they said they weren't going any further. Linny called and said she wss going to hike back in the blinding rain. I told her to stay by the sign I'd come get her. I jumped into the white truck that I would drive through almost anything and took off. When I got to the bottom of the driveway it was worst I'd ever seen. If I drove into that I'd be flipped over and on my way to the river. Then the front tires dropped off the ledge as the ledge got swept away. I backed up the hill ten feet and watched as the creek got wider. I called her and told her I couldn't get to her.
I told her the only chance was to get to Doug's hogan over the hill from the lodge and she said she knew that and was headed that way. The other people had turned around and driven off and Linny was truly on her own. She started down the driveway from the sign to find a place to cross but the flood got her and carried her down the creek towards the gate. She was underwater getting swept away. She fought her way over to the other side of the creek now turned river and climbed up the slippery slope where the dinosaur tracks are. She got to the top and just laid down to get her bearings. I called her and said Teresa and I were heading towards Doug's hogan and could she get there. She said she would. She still had to cross what was now a river by hole #9 back in the dead end canyon and the flood got her again knocking her down and she caught a rock before getting swept over the drop off now a waterfall, climbed over the fence and headed toward the hogan. Her walkie no longer worked full of water.
I saw Linny just make it to the hogan before we got there. Teresa got there before me and Linny fell into her arms. When I got to her she said "I almost died." But she didn't and others might have. We walked down the hill to the lodge and all the guests were gathered out front having heard it all on the walkie. Linny was in shock how the day had turned so quickly. Everyone wanted to help and in one way or another did. She was struggling for a little while but I've been in her room talking to her as did a couple other guests and she's mostly back but it takes awhile to come back from that. Everyone has gone to sleep because there will be lots of shoveling in the morning and I don't yet know the full extent of the damage but it's not pretty. You're unbelievable best friend.

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