Sunday, September 4, 2022

Kobae Part 1

Phone rings, guy says he's looking for James Maybe. I tell him wrong side of the river. He ask what's his number? I say I promised I wouldn't give it out. He says "You're going to cost him a lot of money." I say "He has a lot of money." He hangs up. I email James and give him the number of the guy that called. He emails back and says "Want some eggs." I say "Raising chickens to get an agricultural zoning. He says "No, just like eggs."
The slow season is over. We're mostly full until late October. We have the disc tourney October 21, 22, and 23. If you are playing and you want a room, hogan, or house let me know soon so I can hold it for you.
We are the first aid station again for the Moab 240 running race and the second rest stop at the 34.8 mile mark.
It's a nice stroll with Kobae and Jax on the beach and then with the blink of an eye it turns into a life or death situation with the death of Kobae more likely.

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