Thursday, May 13, 2021


Got a couple Fingers hikes in with guests, took a few to the Wind Caves, and a Skinny People hike or two now and then. 

I had what I thought was a tooth ache, I could feel the swelling, so I ibupropened for a couple weeks but the swelling never went down. I walk into the dentist, he xrays and says there is a chemical in people that is activated to destroy the roots in baby teeth so they come out. Mine activated 68 years later than most and the tooth roots are destroyed and can't be reversed. It will have to come out. During the yank the tooth broke so each root had to be drilled out individually. 


I read a review on Base Camp and me, not written long ago where someone said I was sometimes "Surly". But then he said "I would be too if people came up the drive way and ask me the same questions about the lodge, about Kobae, about Jax, and where are the Wind Caves. I was popping down one Tylenol and three Motrin every six hours to keep the pain down as little pieces of bone worked their way up though my gums the next couple days. I was reading the review, when a four seater side by side pulled up. I was determined to not be surly. One drifted toward the well house and I had to yell at them not to shit in the well. Another headed toward Kobae's house, another the river, and one came to the porch. The porch ask what this was and I explained the lodge and the property and he drifted off, the well house one walked up to the front porch and I told her where the bathroom was and she ask what the place was so I explained it to her. The Kobae one came over and ask what the place was and does the "turtle" have a name and what's his story. I explained. The lady came out of the bathroom and ask the same questions about the tortoise, the guy walked back from the river and ask me what this place was and what about the tortoise and the cycle kept repeating itself. I hung in there and was nice and polite and then a two seater side by side pulled up to the porch and the driver said "What is this place? I heard you had a turtle?" One of the original four looked disgusted and said "He just explained all that. You should have been here five minutes ago."

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