Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Lid That Came Home

Couple of years ago I ran out of my favorite mosquito repellent and haven't been able to find it again. Instead, each time one of the various brand bottles I leave at the lodge for guests goes almost empty I spray the last bit into my carrying bottle. It has three or four different kinds of repellent in it and probably the heaviest stuff since it's always from the bottom. It's sort of a collection of all different kinds and it appears with all those combinations nearly every mosquito finds something it doesn't like because they pretty much leave me alone when I use it. When I got back to the lodge after the first day on the island I couldn't find the lid and it doesn't spray without it. For tragedies I realize it's low on the list but still I was bummed. As I was getting in the kayak the second day to head down to the island I found the lid in the kayak and realized that in my pocket the lid was catching on the edge of the kayak when I got in and out and that's what had knocked it off. So I vowed to be careful but as I was heading down to the island I looked down and the lid was gone again. Reaching the island I turned the kayak upside down but nothing rolled in either direction or fell out. Half an hour later after the first tour boat came by and sent it's wake washing up on my little section of island I looked down on the beach and saw a little white object. Walking down to check on it......I'm back in business.

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