Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Return

Everyday for a week I wake up and it looks like this.
Then Sunday I wake up and it looks like this.
Michelle didn't respond to email or phone calls for weeks. Then last week, two days in a row, she sent me a picture of Jax. Then an email saying he'd be back on the 23rd.......approximately. Then on Monday she calls and says she'll be going by the I-70 turnoff to Moab about 7pm and to meet her there to get Jax. I call at 5pm before I leave to make sure she's on schedule and says, traffic was bad, then there was a snowstorm, so she's still a couple hours away. Then she ran into an hour or two of fog before Grand Junction. At midnight Michelle pulls in to the alien looking gas station at the turn off to Moab. Was a long night as we didn't get back until 2:30 this morning but in retrospect Michelle did go a long ways out of her way to make sure Jax made it back to Base Camp.

Jax jumps out, we greet, he jumps in the truck and before daylight even hit this morning he was scratching at the door not to go to the bathroom but to go hiking.I waited for some sun and my hiking buddy has returned.

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