Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday Extraction

Kobae climbed down in his burrow Tuesday afternoon and has not been seen since. Tom checks on him each afternoon and has put a heat lamp as far down as he can but he can't reach Kobae to touch his shell and see if he's cold. Shane squirms into the tunnel and says Kobae's shell is cold. Time to bring him out, something Kobae won't appreciate. After an hour of digging trying to get to him, Shane thinks he can climb in and put two fingers under his shell on each side, rope himself up, grabs Kobae, and Ze and Tom pull him out. Once Kobae it out of the tunnel, Heather drops two shovels to prevent him from going back in. Three years ago, this was a one man operation, two years ago a two man operation, and last year it took Tom and two disc golfers to get him out. This year, four people. Doesn't bode well for the future.

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