Monday, June 1, 2009

Uninvited, Three Hours Later

Bill, Terry, and Tom are sitting on the front porch talking when the now familiar sound of the Faded Midget Rattlesnake rings out, close to the front porch. Terry says he caught his first rattlesnake in that bush right there, so when he looks in it, there he is. As the Faded Midget starts to go under the porch, Terry grabs it by the tail and swings it into the driveway where he pins it, and drops it in the tool box Tom opens and closes. In the morning he'll be off to his new home and once again it's safe for Kobae to return to his.

1 comment:

lue said...

What timing for Terry to be visiting, glad you got it and Kobae is now safe. Tell Terry I said Hi, thanks.